Micro Habits That Delivered Results in 2023

Rather than focus on what new things I can do in 2024, I’ve been a bit reflective on what I did RIGHT in 2023 that notably improved my life. That is what I want to keep doing forever.

There are few key habits that qualify. They range from physical actions to mindset shifts, and I kicked them all into high gear last year, truly committing to each.  I definitely saw results; I felt better about myself, and was more able to focus on tasks, communicate with those around me, think creatively about my business, and ultimately show up optimally for clients, colleagues, and family. 

Our business had the best year yet measured by our bottom line along with the quality of clients we worked with, programs offered, content served, and more. Here are just three things I am continuing to do that directly fueled those results,

picture of a living room with a couch and 3 pieces of art work hanging over it  - 2 windows in the background

The den of our Westhampton Beach Project. A perfect place to take time to yourself or be with family.

1. Tracking Numbers

This is not an intimidating math exercise. It simply involves quantifying where you are in any area of your life and using that as a benchmark for where you want to go. Here are some make believe examples:

  • We serviced 50 clients in 2023

  • We spoke with 10 new clients in October. 

  • We sold 150 artworks in Q2

  • I exercise 4x/week

  • I walk 10k steps 2x/week

  • I have 1:1 time with my daughter 2x/month

It has been statistically proven that without noting numbers like these, it is more difficult to improve.  Create a simple spreadsheet or table and quantify where you are.  As a bonus, add in some goal numbers.  Refer to the table regularly. I do a quarterly review with myself.  You can also have an accountability partner. See if and how you are improving; any stagnation or change often triggers the necessary motivation to move forward and achieve more.

2. Staying Hydrated

I am now significantly more hydrated daily and I realize what I was missing out on before. I look and feel healthier and can simply perform better with clients, especially when on long gallery visits around the city or at boozy parties and dinners. Here’s what I do: 

  • Each morning I have a large jug of water with lime juice and salt. Most people use lemon, but I do not like lemon. The cocktail helps your body absorb nutrients. Also, the act of caring for myself through this easy-to-implement routine sets a positive tone for the day.

  • Throughout the day, I drink warm water. This is inspired by a vocal issue I will not detail here, but I have also heard that in some cultures, drinking hot water is common. The benefits involve maintaining hydration, reducing stress, improving digestion, improving sleep and more. I do not walk around with a giant Stanley but I take my Asobu water bottle everywhere and am a total convert. 

  • I always have electrolyte packs. The chocolate LMNT packs are especially tasty with hot water (it tastes like hot chocolate), and they again help anyone maintain hydration and retain nutrients which aids in focus, sleep, appearance and more. 

3. Investing in Myself

Last year I prioritized doing things for myself more than any other year. The first step was determining what I needed and/or wanted. That is key; I was not just giving myself the necessities, but allowing for indulgence in responsible ways.  If I could afford it, thought it would improve the quality of my life to a degree that was appealing, and didn’t hurt others, I was in. For example, I love going out to dinner by myself. I find it to be restorative and productive. I bring my laptop or a book and get so much done.  I definitely do not need to go out to dinner by myself, but I made a point to do it about every 2 weeks, simply working out a plan with my family. Other ways I have invested in myself over the short and long term include: going on a retreat (organized or not) to clear my head; splurging for new and improved office technology; hiring an organizer, stylist, and business coach (separately, though someone SHOULD do all three); getting a lesson in how to actually use make up so I can present myself optimally; blocking out time on my calendar for off-screen ideating; going to therapy; and the list goes on.

What I have been doing, and will continue to do, is certainly not specifically helpful to the art advisory world. Rather, all of it is transferable across diverse areas of life, and knowing that our audience includes countless business professionals, entrepreneurs, and creatives, I hope it is relevant and inspiring. I have also done 1:1 mentoring on diverse topics, so do reach out if that is of interest. We’ll be sure to share more similar content regularly, and in an effort to lift us all up together, in 2024.


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